Arthur de Haast
Non-Executive Director

Appointed to the Board
1 January 2020
Committee Membership
Audit and Responsible Business Committees
Skills and experience
Arthur has held several senior roles in the Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) group, including Chair of JLL’s Capital Markets Advisory Council and Chair and Global CEO of JLL’s Hotels and Hospitality Group. Arthur is also a former Chair of the Institute of Hospitality.
Board contribution
Arthur has more than 30 years’ experience in the capital markets, hotels and hospitality sectors, along with significant board-level knowledge around sustainability.
Other appointments
Arthur is Chair of JLL’s Capital Markets Advisory Council, an Independent Non-Executive Director of Chalet Hotels Limited and Chair of its Risk Management Committee, and a member of the Advisory Board of the Scottish Business School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Image usage rights
For editorial use only