Discover IHG’s Low Carbon Pioneers programme

IHG's new and exciting Low Carbon Pioneers programme brings together energy efficient hotels that have no fossil fuels combusted on-site* and are backed by renewable energy.

The Low Carbon Pioneers programme brings together a group of low operational carbon hotels that will help us test, learn and share findings on sustainability measures. The ambition is to inspire other properties to join the programme and help encourage wider adoption of carbon reduction practices across IHG’s estate.

Each Low Carbon Pioneer Hotel will have an operational sustainability certification recognised by the Global Sustainability Tourism Council, such as Green Key, or sustainable building certification, such as LEED, BREEAM or EDGE. A hotel has 12 months upon opening to achieve this certification. To track and measure their energy data, Low Carbon Pioneer hotels will use IHG’s Green Engage environmental platform.

*Except for backup generators that fall below 5% of the hotel’s total annual energy consumption.

What is a Low Carbon Pioneer hotel?

To become a Low Carbon Pioneer, a hotel must follow the below criteria. It is important to recognise that the this criteria will continue to evolve over time in line with standards and best practice:

1. Energy Efficient

1. Energy Efficient

Hotels must show they have a credible level of energy efficiency. Options to show this include:

  • ASHRAE: 20%+ improvement on the ASHRAE 90.1-2016 baseline or evidence of a prescribed set of fabric requirements and energy conservation measures being in place at the hotel that achieve a 20%+ improvement on ASHRAE 90.-2016 when modelled on a standard hotel
  • LEED v4.1: 20%+ improvement on the ASHRAE 90.1-2016 baseline as shown in the Minimum Energy Performance Calculator
  • LEED v4.0: 34%+ improvement on the ASHRAE 90.1-2010 baseline as shown in the Minimum Energy Performance Calculator
  • EDGE: 20%+ improvement on the EDGE baseline (which is based on each country’s regulatory requirements)
  • Mostadam (2019 version): 12 points or more under Energy Performance Credit E-01 or 25%+ improvement on the ASHRAE 90.1-2013 baseline
  • Estidama Pearl (2010 version): 13 points or more under Improved Energy Performance Credit RE-1 or 48%+ improvement on the ASHRAE 90.1-2007 baseline
  • IGBC Green New Building v3.0 (2016 version): 15 points or more under Enhanced Energy Efficiency Credit or 34%+ improvement on the ASHRAE 90.1- 2010 baseline
  • NABERS: 4.5 stars
  • GreenMark 2021: Gold Plus standard or an equivalent energy usage intensity to the Green Mark 2021 Gold Plus standard
  • BREEAM UK: 1 or more Ene01 credits obtained via the Energy Performance Method

2. Zero fossil fuels combusted on site

2. Zero fossil fuels combusted on site

  • No fossil fuels are permitted on site except for backup generators that fall below 5% of the hotel’s total annual energy consumption. Bioenergy is permitted for smaller items (e.g. charcoal stoves or fire pits).

3a. Backed by renewable energy including optimised onsite renewable energy where possible

3a. Backed by renewable energy including optimised onsite renewable energy where possible

  • The hotel must have its roof space optimised for renewable energy or have a 20kWp or larger solar system where possible.
  • The balance of the hotel’s energy requirements must come from an offsite renewable source such as a green energy tariff, power purchase agreement or Energy Attribute Certificates.

3b. Optimised renewables

3b. Optimised renewables

  • In countries where renewable energy cannot be procured offsite the hotel must have its roof space optimised for renewable energy by making optimum use of their available roof space that is either flat or oriented towards the sun.
  • In locations where hotels are mandated to join a district heating or cooling network, the hotel must have its roof space optimised for renewable energy, where possible, and the balance of the hotel’s energy requirements, excluding district heating or cooling, must come from an offsite renewable energy source.

4. Globally recognised sustainability certification

4. Globally recognised sustainability certification

  • To ensure hotels are taking a credible and holistic approach to sustainability, low carbon pioneers must have an operational certification from a programme recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (such as Green Key) or a sustainable building certification (such as LEED, BREEAM or EDGE). In addition, hotels must ensure there are no plastic single-use water bottles in guest rooms and meeting and event spaces.
  • Newly opened hotels have 12 months to get their certification

5. Complete and verifiable energy data:

5. Complete and verifiable energy data:

  • Hotels must enter all their energy data into Green Engage backed up by invoices monthly.

IHG will continue to verify each hotel’s compliance with the Low Carbon Pioneer thresholds. For more detailed information on the programme requirements, click here.

Discover our Low Carbon Pioneers

Explore our Low Carbon Pioneers

Read how some of our leading Low Carbon Pioneer hotels are embracing renewables, lowering energy consumption and reducing carbon emissions.

voco Milan – Fiere

Holiday Inn Express Almere

Staybridge Suites Malaga

Holiday Inn Express Asuncion Aviadores

Holiday Inn Express Madrid Airport

Kimpton BEM Budapest

Iberostar Waves Cristina