Byron Grote

Non-Executive Director

Byron Grote

Appointed to the Board

1 July 2022

Committee Membership

Audit, Nomination and Remuneration Committees

Skills and experience

Byron’s career spanned over 30 years in the international oil and gas sector including Standard Oil of Ohio and subsequently BP p.l.c, where he held management positions in retail marketing, trading, mining, exploration and production, renewables, petrochemicals, and finance. He served as an Executive Director on the Board of BP p.l.c. for 13 years and was the Chief Financial Officer from 2002 until 2011. He previously served as the Senior Independent Director and Audit Committee Chair at Anglo American plc, as a Non-Executive Director and Audit Committee Chair at Unilever PLC and Unilever N.V., Senior Independent Director at Tesco plc and Non-Executive Director at Standard Chartered PLC.

Board contribution

Byron has extensive experience across a range of leading international businesses, both at Board level and in senior management positions, particularly in finance and chairing audit committees. He is a participant in the European Audit Committee Leadership Network and a member of the Regulation Group of the Audit Committee Chairs’ Independent Forum. Byron assumed the role of Chair of the IHG Audit Committee in March 2023.

Other appointments

Byron is a Non-Executive Director of Inchape PLC, as well as a member of the Supervisory Board of Akzo Nobel N.V., where he is the Deputy Chair and Audit Committee Chair.

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